Hubert H Humphrey program, 2011 – 12 alumnus, Anupam Kishore’s article on “Financial Inclusion in India” has been published in the online magazine of Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis. In his article, Kishore argues that a Business Correspondent model can boost financial inclusion in India. During his fellowship period, Kishore had professional affiliation with the Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis and the Office of the Governor, State of Minnesota. These affiliations exposed him to supervisory practices in USA and also the legislative process in the state governments in USA. Kishore also briefed Governor Dayton of Minnesota on matters of finance, economic development, infrastructure and healthcare.


Kishore also did a six weeks long non-local affiliation with IMF, Washington DC, where he wrote a paper on “External Non-Concessional Financing for Infrastructure: Framework for Low Income Countries”. The paper is being published by IMF. Kishore is a Deputy General Manager in the Reserve Bank of India’s Department of Non-Banking Supervision in Mumbai.


Anupam Kishore with Minnesota’s Governor, Mark Dayton