Fulbright Specialist Program for Indian Institutions

Program Description

The Fulbright Specialist Program provides an opportunity for Indian universities and institutions of higher learning to draw on the expertise of U.S. scholars and professionals and develop linkages with American institutions. Specialist grants focus on strengthening and supporting the development needs of institutions and broadening institutional cooperation. Fulbright Specialists work in their areas of expertise as they enhance their understanding of the cultural and educational contexts of the host country through engagement with the host community.

Host institutions should be involved in university-level teaching or training, the expansion of partnerships between universities and specialized institutions, and the promotion of international and cross-institutional cooperation. Institutions eligible to request a Fulbright Specialist include:

  • Institutions/organizations of higher education approved and listed on the website of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, including institutions accredited by AICTE, UGC and other Apex Level Bodies of the Ministry (https://www.education.gov.in/en/apex-level-bodies)
  • Medical institutions accredited by the Medical Council of India (MCI)

The Fulbright Specialist Program encourages host institutions to tailor projects to their own needs. However, all projects should have an education or training focus. Due to the short-term nature of the exchange, projects should have concrete objectives that can be achieved over the course of the Specialist’s visit. Past Specialists have supported host institutions by conducting activities such as:

  • Delivering seminars or workshops
  • Consulting on faculty or workforce development
  • Developing academic or training curricula and materials
  • Lecturing at the graduate or undergraduate level
  • Conducting needs assessments or evaluations for a program or institution

Note: Personal research projects, including clinical medical research or projects involving patient contact, are not eligible for funding under the Fulbright Specialist Program.

The length of a Fulbright Specialist project must be a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 42 days, including travel days and weekends.

Costs for Fulbright Specialist grants are shared by the U.S. Department of State and host institutions. The U.S. Department of State pays for international airfare and an honorarium to the scholar. The host institution is responsible for the cost of housing, meals and any necessary, program related, in-country transportation. In-country costs may be supplied by the host institution as in-kind services and/or funds paid directly to the grantee. Note that in-country transportation refers to transportation once the Specialist has arrived in the city of the activity, and not to flights taken as part of the international travel.

  • Agriculture
  • American (U.S.) Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Biology Education
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry Education
  • Communications and Journalism
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Engineering Education
  • Environmental Science
  • Law
  • Library Science
  • Math Education
  • Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies
  • Physics Education
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Public/Global Health
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Urban Planning.

Specialists, who represent a wide range of professional and academic disciplines, are competitively selected to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster based on their knowledge, skill sets, and ability to make a significant contribution to projects overseas. Those individuals that have been approved to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster are then eligible to be matched with approved projects designed by host institutions. Host institutions have the following options for requesting a U.S. scholar:

  • Roster Named Requests identify Specialists already on the Roster in the project application. The host institution and the Specialist have been in contact and mutually agreeable project dates and goals are included in the project application.
  • Named Requests identify an individual that is not on the Roster, but specifically requested by the host institution. The host institution and the Specialist candidate have been in contact and mutually agreeable project dates and goals are included in the project application. A candidate may apply to the Roster before a project application is submitted, but will need to be peer reviewed and approved. Candidates not on the Roster who are in contact with host institutions are strongly encouraged to immediately apply to the Roster by visiting the following link: https://worldlearning-community.force.com/FSP/WL_SiteLogin.
  • Open Requests do not identify a candidate in the project proposal. USIEF and World Learning will assist with identifying an individual with suitable technical or professional experience that is approved by the host institution.

Also refer to: https://fulbrightspecialist.worldlearning.org/eligibility-host-institutions/.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before proceeding further.

  1. Applications requesting multiple visits for specialists will not be approved. Therefore, please do not select this option when submitting the form.
  2. No more than one application in a field from an institution should be submitted.
  3. Funding is not available to cover any part of local hospitality expense on behalf of host institution. Local hospitality (housing, meals, local transportation, and program-related in-country travel) must be borne by host institutions. Therefore, please do not select options which will make your application ineligible.
  4. Grants are limited. Preference will be given to institutes/university departments that have not hosted a Fulbright Specialist in the last three years.
  5. All selected applicants will be notified about the result by July/August 2025.
  6. Processing of the selected applications typically takes 4-5 months after the deadline. Grant dates should be between March 1 and September 30, 2026.

Interested institutions may download the Host Institution Project Proposal (Application) Template. This document includes all questions that host institutions must complete when they submit the required online application through the Fulbright Specialist Program Portal (FSP). This document would be helpful in reviewing all of the required information before submitting the online application.

Applications must be submitted online through FSP Portal - https://worldlearning-community.force.com/FSPHost/. Please read the Host Institution Application Instructions carefully and follow the instructions for submission of applications.

Note: Project proposals submitted via post/courier or email as a Word or PDF attachment will not be accepted. All project proposals must be submitted online through the FSP Portal only.

Last date of submission of application on the portal is May 31, 2025

For any query, please write to Dr. Girish Kaul at girish@usief.org.in.