Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Award

The Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Award provides opportunities for U.S. university administrators to attend meetings with representatives of Indian universities, private-sector agencies and organizations and selected government agencies. U.S. administrators will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with program designs, organizational structures, quality assurance procedures and credit and degree expectations in Indian higher education. Participants will gain first-hand knowledge of a cross-section of Indian institutions and meet with high ranking university administrators and public sector officials who play key roles in the planning and administration of higher education in India. The seminar aims to achieve a balance of topical discussion, knowledge sharing, experiential excursions and exposure to societal/cultural facets of India.

Seminar locations will include highly respected universities and colleges in New Delhi and some other major cities (to be determined) and visits to research institutes and non-governmental organizations that lend themselves as sites for higher education collaborations and exchanges between the U.S. and India.

Number of Awards: Approximately 10

Duration: Two weeks

Eligibility: Applicants must have had at least five years of experience in the field. A Ph.D. is not required or expected for this program. Individuals without prior professional connections to India and whose home institutions do not have an established partnership or affiliation with Indian institutions of higher learning will be given priority.

Applicants must be international education administrators (for example, foreign student advisors, study abroad advisors and foreign student admissions) or senior-level university administrators (deans, vice presidents, provosts and presidents) in strategic positions of decision-making with substantial responsibility for enhancing the international dimension of their institutions and who wish to build capacity of their faculty and students by enhancing study abroad (especially to ‘non-traditional’ destinations) and expanding opportunities for international collaborations through faculty exchanges, collaborative research projects or pursuit of innovative curricular design. The award includes round-trip air travel, travel within India, lodging and meals. Grantee spouses and dependents cannot be accommodated during the seminar. Return air travel may be arranged to allow for independent travel in India after the seminar. Participants will be asked to submit a brief report and evaluation.

Additional information:

Please visit https://fulbrightscholars.org/us-scholar-awards/IEA for grant benefit details and application procedures.