Hemantika Singh
Grant Category: Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships
Project Title: Methods in Digital Media and Online Ethnography
Field of Study: Womens and Gender Studies
Home Institution: Ambedkar University, New Delhi, Delhi
Host Institution: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA  
Grant Start Month: August, 2021
Duration of Grant: Nine months

Hemantika Singh
Brief Bio:

Ms. Hemantika Singh is a doctoral candidate at the Women’s and Gender Studies program jointly offered by Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD) and the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi. Her doctoral thesis focuses on web shorts which strategically employ popular media imagery as referents to pose questions on/of gender. For her research, she engages with the intricate interconnections between the popular and the political in the context of the digital.

Ms. Singh completed her bachelor’s in mass communication from Delhi University and received her Master’s in arts and aesthetics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi. She has submitted her MPhil dissertation at Ambedkar University Delhi which closely examined the diverse generic tendencies within the contemporary Indian feminist documentaries. Beside her academic life, she has also worked as an assistant director at notable independent production houses in Delhi like Dusty Foot Productions and Overdose Films.

Ms. Singh is a recipient of the Indian Council of Social Science Research’s (ICCSR) Doctoral Research Fellowship for the term 2019 – 21. Her work on the questions of gender, moving images, and the digital was also published in academic journals like Summerhill (Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, IIAS).

As a Fulbright-Nehru fellow, Ms. Singh is attempting to engage with the emerging practices of digital ethnography. She situates her doctoral work at the intersections of gender, cinema, and new media studies, and hopes to learn from the diverse scholarly works offered by contemporary researchers from these disciplines.
