Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Scholar Fellowships

The Distinguished Scholar fellowships for four months are designed for full professors to teach graduate students at the host institution, travel to prominent higher education institutions to give guest lectures and take part in symposia and conferences. Distinguished Scholars also work with faculty members at the host institution on program development and curriculum design. Proposals should demonstrate an interest in active collaboration with Indian scholars and the host community.


Affiliation to be determined by the United States-India Educational Foundation, but applicant may indicate a preference. All Fulbrighters are required to be affiliated with institutions/organizations of higher education approved and listed on the website of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, including those accredited by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), University Grants Commission (UGC), Medical Council of India (MCI) and other apex level bodies of the Ministry, as required by the specific project proposed.


Due to year-end examinations and vacations, teaching is not possible in majority of Indian universities from March through June/ July; therefore, it is advisable that you plan to arrive accordingly, so that you have sufficient teaching time.


During their grant period, Fulbright Scholars in the SCA region may apply for a regional travel grant to give lectures at institutions in other SCA countries. This grant will cover travel to and from the destination; lodging may be offered by the hosting university. Scholars may apply for this grant once in-country on their grant, however, they may identify a host institution in advance. As funds are limited, scholars are limited to one such grant.


Duration: Four months


Language: All instruction is in English.


Candidate profile: Candidates for this award should hold the rank of full professor and have an outstanding record of scholarly accomplishments and substantial teaching experience. Applications from all disciplines will be considered.


Deadline: September 15


Additional information:

Please visit https://fulbrightscholars.org/ for grant benefit details and application procedures.